Monday, July 23, 2007

Ok, now I can start.

I wish I was a lot more lyrical and good with words, because I think this could be a bit boring-
But here goes...

I am a girl who's struggling to get my life into a sort of order, after losing a fine 13 kilos a while back now- thinking I couldn't push past that 10 kilo barrier- and realising I could...
Well I've kind of got stuck, here, just hovering below the 100 kilo mark and really not making any progress.

But I haven't stopped moving.
I have my beautiful border collie dog, Daisy to keep me company on my walks, (well actually the walks are ALL about Daisy getting exercise).
I have a gym membership, but I'm not getting there, because some-one has to exercise the dog.
There are only so many hours in a day.
And only So many excuses to be made!
Weight Watchers taught me how to eat in healthy proportions, but lately I'm really struggling with that, and am eating till discomfit stage a lot at the moment.

OK so you see I am heading in entirely the wrong direction right now.
What's to be done???

ALL the great rewards and incentives and ideas and challenges don't seem to grab and keep my attention.
But I DO need to lose more weight, and sooner rather than later would be best!
The only thing I know to do that works is just to get on my bike and get going- only I find it hard to find the time. I have to MAKE time.
If I find out just how that's done, I will be sure to share it with the rest of you...

In the mean time, there's 2 Uni subjects to attack, and a mountain of books to read...